-Kids driving mode with 2 speed settings to boost independence-Parent control mode with 3 speed settings for increased security-Steering wheel with buttons to control horn sound and music switch-Integrated ABC...
-Convenient storage compartment for kids' belongings-Kids driving mode with 2 speeds to cultivate independence-Parent control mode with 3 speeds for enhanced security-Buttons on the steering wheel to control sirens and...
-Realistic driving experience with buttons steering wheel and foot pedal-Come with a remote control that allows parents to control for added safety-Anti-skid and puncture-proof wheels traverse well on different terrains-Lockable...
-Kids can sort and recycle garbage to cultivate environmental awareness-Easy for kids to operate with buttons steering wheel and foot pedal-Parent remote control allows parents to supervise for added safety-Equipped...
-Water tank with 2.5 gallon volume for long-lasting playtime-Simple to use the water tank with the carry handles and water inlet-Water gun with 32" long hose for flexible spraying needs-Fun...
-Kids driving mode with 2 speed settings to boost independence-Parent control mode with 3 speed settings for increased security-Steering wheel with buttons to control horn sound and music switch-Integrated ABC...
-High efficiency with 12V battery and 12V dual motors-Large and anti-slip tires suit for different road surfaces-Slow start mechanism offers higher stability-Safety belt and door locks for secure driving-Complies with...
-High efficiency with 12V battery and 12V dual motors-Large and anti-slip tires suit for different road surfaces-Slow start mechanism offers higher stability-Safety belt and door locks for secure driving-Complies with...